Archive for February 2008

Pop Burger Politices

A group called The Society held this event at Pop Burger last night about the up and coming candidates for election and our guest speaker was Stephen Puschel (in the orange). The Society is a gathering of social cultural events and activities to do through out the month. Stephen Puschel was a excellent speaker and he also wrights for the Overall, it was fun and something different to do.

Studio News!

I just moved into a new studio on 18th St between 6th and 7th Ave.

Happy Valentines Day!

Mystic, CT

i was in mystic last weekend and had a wonderful time... and yes, i had a slice (or two) of heaven at the famous mystic pizza

while i was there, i walked into a store and learned about this amazing artist, Jeanine Payer. she designs jewelry with hand-engraved poetry. If your looking for something more than just bling-bling... check her out. the link.